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This program was audio-recorded as a live event on October 26, 2019.

When: Saturday, October 26, 2019 9am-5pm​

Where: Smith College Conference Center, 51 College Lane, Northampton, MA
Keynote Speakers: Sidney Trantham, PhD and Acey Mercer, LMSW
Case Presentation Co-Moderated byMaryAnna Domokos-Cheng Ham, EdD, LMFT and Nancy Knudsen, LMFT

Afternoon Workshops by: Sidney Trantham, PhD and Acey Mercer, LMSW, Steffani Brandenburg, LCSW, LICSW, CST; Julie Mencher, LICSW; Joseph Winn, LICSW, CST-S; and Jane Fleishman, PhD, MS, MEd, CSE
Target Audience: Mental Health Clinicians and Sex Therapists
Level: Intermediate

CEs: This program no longer offers CEs


Co-Sponsored by:





The frameworks of gender and sexuality have shifted dramatically in recent years from discrete categories to conceptualizing both aspects of identity as a spectrum. Many therapists feel the need to play catch-up with these cultural shifts in order to understand our clients’ experiences and struggles. Becoming familiar with the new terminology and concepts is a critical first step. Applications to the clinical setting comes next.


This symposium began with a keynote presentation offering state-of-the-art information on sexual and gender identity by Sidney Trantham, PhD and Acey Mercer, LMSW. A case presentation followed with a panel of discussants to comment. Finally, there were two workshop slots in the afternoon offering a range of presentations on specific topics in working with clients across the gender and sexuality spectra.


Participants were able to:

  1. Define and conceptualize sexuality and gender identities as a spectrum

  2. Identify cultural and historical factors that contribute to LBGTQ+ identity formation

  3. Discuss ways to support sexual and gender diverse individuals and their families


Symposium Schedule

Introduction 9-9:15am
Keynote Presentations 9:15-10:45am
Break 10:45-11am
Case Study with Discussants 11am-12:15pm
Lunch 12:15-1:30pm
First Afternoon Workshop 1:30-3pm
Break 3-3:15pm
Second Afternoon Workshop 3:15-4:45pm
Closing Remarks 4:45-5pm



Keynote Speakers

Sidney M. Trantham, PhD

Acey A. Mercer, LMSW

Afternoon Workshops


First Slot 1:30-3pm


Changing the Narrative: Paving the Way Towards Resilience for LBGTQ Identified Clients and Their Families

with Sidney Trantham, PhD


LGBTQ+ individuals face a number of life challenges in a society that still privileges heterosexuality and a binary perspective on gender. While the challenges and hardships that LGBTQ+ individuals face can have negative impact on mental health and wellbeing, career development, and overall life satisfaction, too often the narrative presented to LGBTQ+ individuals is one in which their future is foreclosed as one in which they will be unhappy, disenfranchised, targeted for discrimination, and victims of violence. Specific information on positive outcomes for LGBTQ+ youth and examples of how to support LGBTQ+ youth and their families in moving towards a balanced approach to addressing challenges while supporting growth and development will be provided. A brief contextual presentation will be followed by case presentation and discussion.


Participants learned to:

  1. Discuss a variety of sexual & gender identities

  2. Identify unique life challenges for LGBTQ+ youth

  3. Describe ways to promote growth, development & resilience of LGBTQ+ youth


Therapist Discomfort and the Use of Self with Trans and Gender-Diverse Clients: A Workshop for Non-Trans Clinicians

with Julie Mencher, LICSW


While differences between therapist and client are inevitable, manageable, and often productive, the relationship between the cisgender therapist and trans client brings its own particular complexities. Within the politically-, socially-, and clinically-charged territory of the exciting new gender frontier, the cisgender therapist can experience inadequacy, confusion, frustration, disgust, and other uncomfortable feelings in working with gender-diverse clients. If left unexamined, the therapist’s discomfort could ultimately cheat the client of the therapist’s full use of self and skills. This workshop will seek to establish a safe, open climate for dialogue about the many challenges faced by non-trans clinicians in working with this population.  A didactic presentation will be followed by case conferencing, in which participants will be encouraged to bring their most difficult moments to the light of day, as we brainstorm together how to recognize, work through, and utilize our feelings of discomfort in the service of our clients.


Participants learned to:

  1. Identify negative feelings related to the gender identity and presentation of trans and gender-diverse clients

  2. Determine how the gender identity development of the therapist enters into the use of self with trans and gender-diverse clients

  3. Manage negative feelings in the therapeutic relationship in order to serve the needs of the trans or gender-diverse client


Orienting to the Strengths and Challenges of Relational Therapy with LGBTQQIA +, Gender Non-Conforming, Kinky, Polyamorous, Swingers, and Consensually Non-Monogamous Relationships and Identities

with Joseph Winn, LICSW, CST-S


With greater frequency, clinicians are engaging relational systems that identify as LGBTQQIA +, gender non-conforming, kinky, polyamorous, swingers, and consensually non-monogamous. These identities can challenge unacknowledged heteronormative biases and world views, resulting in therapists, un-intentional, introducing iatrogenic injury into the therapy process, reinforcing oppressions that LGBTQQIA +, gender non-conforming, kinky, polyamorous, swingers, and consensually non-monogamous people struggle with daily. This 90-minute workshop will provide therapists with tools to working effectively with varied relationship dynamics, and identities, while also considering the strengths and advantages these systems and identities may offer to monogamous couples. Specific topics will include exploring clinician bias, exploring ones sexological world view, and theoretical stances most helpful to working with relationship styles and identities that challenge heteronormative constructs of relational, sexual and erotic practices and identities. Particular emphasis will be placed on the role relational contracting as a tool of differentiation and optimal relational functioning.


Participants learned to:

  1. Identify clinical biases and sexological world-views that undermine systemic work with LGBTQQIA +, gender non-conforming, kinky, polyamorous, and consensually non-monogamous relational systems

  2. Apply differentiation, intersectionality, and queer theory to challenge heteronormative constructs of health and pathology when working with LGBTQQIA +, gender non-conforming, kinky, polyamorous, and consensually non-monogamous relational systems

  3. Identify relational contracting skills, a strength of ethical non-monogamous relationships, as a tool that can benefit all styles of interpersonal relational systems



Second Slot 3:15-4:45pm


Supporting Families with Gender Diverse Youth

with Acey Mercer, LMSW


Cultural competency, sensitivity training, and best practices are essential to understanding the complex mental health and development needs of transgender and nonbinary youth exploring their gender identity. This workshop will highlight that transgender emergence is a normative process of identity development and will challenge the view that gender variance is pathological. An overview of the issues impacting families of gender diverse youth with special attention to caregiver education and support and school-related advocacy will be explored. Resources and best practices for professionals working with families facing gender transition will be provided.


Participants learned to:

  1. Discuss the unique developmental issues impacting the lives of gender diverse youth

  2. Identify specific parenting practices and their influence on the mental health and resiliency of trans and nonbinary youth

  3. Compile tools to advocate for and support both youth and their families through this tumultuous time



Working with LBGTQ Relationships 50 Years Post Stonewall: Clinical and Cultural Considerations that Advance Positive Treatment Outcomes

with Steffani Brandenburg, LCSW, LICSW, CST


Research has demonstrated that all couples, regardless of orientation, go through many similar developmental stages and challenges. However, to truly be effective in helping lesbian, gay, and sexual minority couples, it is imperative to utilize a historical, socio-cultural lens that challenges the dominant heteronormative societal assumptions (which the mental health profession is a part of) about relationships and sexuality. It is equally important to understand the unique challenges and vulnerabilities that result from homophobia and being a sexual minority, and how untreated Minority Stress might present itself within a relational context. This workshop will provide the practitioner assessment and intervention tools to improve clinical outcomes using a strength-based, attachment-oriented, and trauma-informed framework. Case examples and resources will be provided.


Participants learned to:

  1. Define minority stress and identify at least two ways untreated minority stress can present itself clinically when working with lesbian, gay, and other sexual minority couples

  2. Critique their own assumptions about what constitutes healthy relationships based on current research inclusive of LGBTQ+ relationships

  3. Identify three strengths and three challenges experienced by many lesbian/gay couples


Stonewall @ 50: Queering the Lens on Aging and Sex

with Jane Fleishman, PhD, MS, MEd, CSE


This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Rebellion, often described as the catalyst for the modern “gay rights” movement in the U.S. Delving into the history of Stonewall can remind us of the courageous, inventive, and inspiring paths that LGBTQIA+ people have taken toward their own and others’ liberation against a backdrop of fear. Queering the lens on sex and aging allows us to view aging sexuality from a transformed perspective and propel clinicians to create environments that are welcoming, affirming, inclusive, and liberating for all sexual and gender minorities. Most research on sexuality of older LGBTQIA+ adults focus on sexual dysfunction or high-risk sexual behaviors. New research on queer bodies as a political battleground on the front lines will be covered. Highly interactive with a focus on practical applications.


Participants learned to:

  1. Define three recent research findings about older LGBTQIA+ adults in sexual relationships

  2. Describe three challenges for treating, educating, or advocating for LGBTQIA+ adults

  3. Discuss one application of the recent research to your own professional work




Practical notes from the symposium


*Who qualifies for the Agency Clinician/Student Rate?


We offer this discounted rate to enable students and clinicians working in community mental health settings on a full-time basis to be able to participate. Group practices are not eligible.


**This activity has been certified by the New England Association for Family and Systemic Therapy (NEAFAST) on behalf of the Massachusetts Board of Registration of Allied Mental Health & Human Services Professions, for LMFT professional continuing education.


**This program meets the requirements of the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT) and is approved for 6 AASECT CE Credits. These CE Credits may be applied toward AASECT certification and renewal of certification.


**Continuing Education Credit is approved through Commonwealth Educational Seminars for the following professions:

  • Psychologists:
    Commonwealth Educational Seminars is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Commonwealth Educational Seminars maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

  • Licensed Professional Counselors/Licensed Mental Health Counselors:
    Commonwealth Educational Seminars (CES) is entitled to award continuing education credit for Licensed Professional Counselors/Licensed Mental Health Counselors. Please visit CES CE CREDIT to see all states that are covered for LPCs/LMHCs. CES maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

  • Social Workers:
    Commonwealth Educational Seminars (CES) is entitled to award continuing education credit for Social Workers. Please visit CES CE CREDIT to see all states that are covered for Social Workers. CES maintains responsibility for this program and its content.


Please note: It is the participant’s responsibility to check with their individual state boards to verify CE requirements for their state.


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The Couple & Family Institute of New England (CFINE)’s training facilities are handicap accessible. Individuals needing special accommodations, please contact Lindsay Swan, CFINE Administrator, at (413) 341-0543 or


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Northampton, MA 01060



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© 2024, Nancy Knudsen, Couple and Family Institute of New England

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