This Home Study Program is adapted from On Becoming A Family: Clinical Approaches to Fostering Healthy Relationships that was recorded as a live event on November 9, 2018.
When: Any (Distance Learning/Home Study)
Panelists: Carolyn Broudy, MD; Annette Cycon, LCSW; Charles Daniels, Jr., LICSW; Nancy Knudsen, LMFT; and Mirza Lugardo, LMHC
Format: Audio Recording converted to Video on YouTube, 2:17 hours
Fee: Free
CEs: Not available
The family is the basic unit of our communities and the natural home base for each individual within it. When any member of the family is in trouble, the system becomes more fragile, and an outside intervention might be in order. How, what, and with whom is the most impactful intervention? How do we as clinicians best assess what is needed and then provide the most effective service? When is it best to treat the couple, intervene with a parent-child dyad, connect a family member to a support group, provide individual therapy, or offer family therapy?
Keeping in mind that families come in all different configurations from two-parents with a newborn to step-families with a mix of related and unrelated children to single-parent families, foster families, and more, this symposium will offer a rich exploration of how to approach this multitude of challenges.
This morning panel consists of five speakers who each address a hypothetical case study, drawing upon their own theoretical perspective and particular approach to family intervention. Discussion among the panelists as well as questions from the audience follow.