Tales From the Licensing Board: Ethical Issues Facing Couple and Family Therapists
This Home Study Program is adapted from Tales From the Licensing Board: Ethical Issues Facing Couple and Family Therapists that was recorded as a live event on December 8, 2017.
An interview with I. Scott Cohen, LICSW, LMFT has been added to make this course relevant to the time of COVID-19.
When: Anytime (Distance Learning/Home Study)
Instructor: I. Scott Cohen, LICSW, LMFT
CEs: This program does not offer CEs
Format: Intro video 21 minutes, Plus Audio recordings presented as video via YouTube, 5:35 hours.
Fee: $25
If you work with more than one member of a family at a time, it is critical to be well informed about the relevant professional ethics, yet how many of us are? This home study program brings to life the AAMFT Code Of Ethics as well as some of the ethical guidelines issued by the Commonwealth of MA, in an engaging and thought-provoking way. Topics such as the Guidelines for Dealing with Children Whose Parents are Divorced, Separated or Not Living Together, and Policy on Distance, Online and Other Electronic-Assisted Counseling are examined. In addition, we discuss informed consent, record keeping and how to be compliant with HIPPA and state regulations. Examples and case material from the Board of Registration complaint cases are used, offering guidance to clinicians in avoiding common pitfalls.
At the conclusion of this program, participants will be better able to:
Discuss Informed Consent and identify how to comply with Informed Consent in the psychotherapeutic relationship
Discuss the AAMFT Code of Ethics as they apply to practicing marriage and family therapists
List several important elements of record keeping
Explain the marriage and family therapist’s responsibilities when treating children whose parents may be separated, divorced or never married
Describe the benefits of developing a Professional Will
Identify the MA and the Association for Marriage and Family Therapy regulatory Board’s guidelines on teletherapy
Recording A
0:00-20:57 Interview with I. Scott Cohen, LICSW, LMFT
Recording B
0:00-0:04 Introduction
0:04-2:30 AAMFT Code of Ethics
2:30-3:01 Informed Consent
3:01-3:16 Clinical Record Keeping
3:16-3:44 Minors in Therapy
3:44-4:04 On Line or Teletherapy
4:04-4:08 Professional Wills
4:08-4:09 Allied Board of Mental Health
4:09-5:33 Review of Case